【译文】Microsoft Access介绍之三:Cirrus计划
时 间:2012-08-21 08:05:35
作 者:周芳 译 ID:24526 城市:上海
摘 要:欧米茄项目被取消后,它的一些开发人员被分配到Cirrus项目(大多数是分配创建了Visual Basic的团队)。
正 文:
原作者:未知 翻译:周芳
欧米茄项目被取消后,它的一些开发人员被分配到Cirrus项目(大多数是分配创建了Visual Basic的团队)。它的目标是创建一个可以跟Paradox和dBase竞争的工作于Windows上的应用程序,当微软收购FoxPro后,有谣言说微软项目可能被取代,但公司决定同时开发这两个项目。假设该项目将利用Extensible Storage Engine(Jet Blue),但最后只支持微软Microsoft Jet Database Engine (Jet Red)。项目使用了一些来自Omega项目和之前发布的Visual Basic中的代码。1992年7月,开发者附带了Cirrus的测试版,“ACCESS”成为这个产品的正式名称。
【原文】Project Cirrus
After the Omega project was scrapped, some of its developers were assigned to the Cirrus project (most were assigned to the team which created Visual Basic).Its goal was to create a competitor for applications like Paradox or dBase that would work on Windows.After Microsoft acquired FoxPro, there were rumors that the Microsoft project might get replaced with it,but the company decided to develop them in parallel. It was assumed that the project would make use of Extensible Storage Engine (Jet Blue) but, in the end, only support for Microsoft Jet Database Engine (Jet Red) was provided. The project used some of the code from both the Omega project and a pre-release version of Visual Basic.In July 1992, betas of Cirrus shipped to developers and the name Access became the official name of the product.
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