时 间:2012-07-27 09:58:58
作 者:微软 ID:24526 城市:上海
摘 要:可以使用 CloseWindow 操作关闭指定的 Microsoft Access 2010 文档选项卡或活动的文档选项卡(如果未指定文档选项卡)。
正 文:
【中文】CloseWindow 宏操作
可以使用 CloseWindow 操作关闭指定的 Microsoft Access 2010 文档选项卡或活动的文档选项卡(如果未指定文档选项卡)。
CloseWindow 操作具有下列参数。
CloseWindow 操作适用于用户可显式打开或关闭的所有数据库对象。此操作等效于选择某个对象,然后通过右键单击该对象的文档选项卡并单击快捷菜单上的“关闭”来关闭该对象,也等效于单击对象的“关闭”按钮。
如果将“保存”参数设置为“提示”,且在执行 CloseWindow 操作前尚未保存该对象,则会出现一个对话框,提示用户在该宏关闭对象前保存该对象。如果将 SetWarnings 操作的“打开警告”参数设置为“否”,则不会显示该对话框,而会自动保存对象。
若要在 Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 模块中运行 CloseWindow 操作,请使用 DoCmd 对象的 CloseWindow 方法。
【英文】CloseWindow Macro Action
You can use the CloseWindow action to close either a specified Microsoft Access 2010 document tab or the active document tab if none is specified.
The CloseWindow action has the following arguments.
The CloseWindow action works on all database objects that the user can explicitly open or close. This action has the same effect as selecting an object and then closing it by right-clicking the object's document tab and then clicking Close on the shortcut menu, or clicking the Close button for the object.
If the Save argument is set to Prompt and the object hasn't already been saved before the CloseWindow action is carried out, a dialog box prompts the user to save the object before the macro closes it. If you have set the Warnings On argument of the SetWarnings action to No, the dialog box is not displayed and the object is automatically saved.
To run the CloseWindow action in a Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) module, use the CloseWindow method of the DoCmd object.
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