时 间:2012-04-13 07:43:45
作 者:周芳 ID:24526 城市:上海
摘 要:在更新后事件,比较字段的原值和字段的新值。
正 文:
原作者:未知 翻译:周芳
这里有一个简单的方法来做到这一点:首先在窗体模块中“Option Compare Database”的代码后面定义一个全局变量。这个例子里,我们定义一个string类型的变量:hold_value.
Option Compare Database
Dim hold_value As String
Private Sub Form_Current()
hold_value = Me.icount ’icount是字段名
End Sub
hold_value = Nz(Me.icount, "") ’把空值转换成空字符串
Compare original value of field to new value of field in the after update event.
Ever wonder why it is so difficult to figure out what the original value of a form field was after the user updates the field? I thought that the Before Update event would help me do this but using the Me.Fieldname.Oldvalue doesn't give me the old value it gives the new value!
Here is a simple way to do this: First set up a global variable in this form just after the Option Compare Database. In this example we dimension a string variable called hold_value.
Option Compare Database
Dim hold_value As String
Next we create an On Current event for the form:
Private Sub Form_Current()
hold_value = Me.icount
End Sub
You may find that you get a null value error so you might want to use the following assignment to get around this little problem:
hold_value = Nz(Me.icount, "")
Finally in the After Update event we have both the new and old values available for us to use.
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