时 间:2009-02-05 01:21:55
作 者:微软 ID:348 城市:成都
摘 要:ADO版本造成recordset无法直接XML持久化 解决方案,,更换ado的引用版本。
正 文:
With Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) version 2.1 and later, the ADO Reco...
With Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) version 2.1 and later, the ADO Recordset object supports the feature to persist an ADO recordset in XML format to a file on the disk by using the Save method of the ADO Recordset object. This data can then be loaded into the Microsoft XML Document Object Model (DOM) from the persisted file.
MDAC 2.5 and later has a feature that saves the ADO recordset directly into the DOM without having to save the data in XML format to a file on disk first. If you try to persist the ADO recordset as XML data directly into the DOM using MDAC 2.1, you receive the following error message:
MDAC 2.5 and later has a feature that saves the ADO recordset directly into the DOM without having to save the data in XML format to a file on disk first. If you try to persist the ADO recordset as XML data directly into the DOM using MDAC 2.1, you receive the following error message:
Run-time error '438'
Object doesn't support this property or method
Object doesn't support this property or method
Persisting the ADO Recordset directly into an XML DOMDocument object utilizes th...
Persisting the ADO Recordset directly into an XML DOMDocument object utilizes the ADO Stream object. The Stream object is an ADO object introduced in ADO 2.5. It does not exist in ADO 2.1, ADO 2.1 SP1, and SP2. Versions of ADO earlier than 2.1 do not support XML persistence.
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