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时 间:2009-01-06 08:34:42
作 者:UMVsoft整理   ID:1445  城市:上海
摘 要:Access如何实现动态查询余额
正 文:



id 自动增加 长整

in 货币

out 货币





Option Compare Database


Option Explicit

Public gcurLastBalance As Currency               '上次计算的余额


Public glngLastID As Long                        '上次的 ID



'Version 1.0



'By Roadbeg

'要求以 Id 作为判断依据.(长整型)


Public Function GetBalance(ID As Long) As Currency


On Error GoTo Doerr

    Dim curIn As Currency, curOut As Currency

    Dim curRe As Currency  

    If glngLastID <> 0 Then

        If ID > glngLastID Then

            curIn = Nz(DSum("[IN]", "TEST", "ID <=" & str(ID) & " and ID>" & str(glngLastID)))

            curOut = Nz(DSum("[OUT]", "TEST", "ID <=" & str(ID) & " and ID>" & str(glngLastID)))

            curRe = gcurLastBalance + curIn - curOut

        ElseIf ID < glngLastID Then

            curIn = Nz(DSum("[IN]", "TEST", "ID >" & str(ID) & " and ID<=" & str(glngLastID)))

            curOut = Nz(DSum("[OUT]", "TEST", "ID >" & str(ID) & " and ID<=" & str(glngLastID)))

            curRe = gcurLastBalance - curIn + curOut

        ElseIf ID = glngLastID Then

            curRe = gcurLastBalance

        End If


        curIn = DSum("[IN]", "TEST", "ID<=" & str(ID))

        curOut = DSum("[OUT]", "TEST", "ID<=" & str(ID))

        curRe = curIn - curOut

    End If   

'   Debug.Print ID

    glngLastID = ID

    gcurLastBalance = curRe  

    GetBalance = curRe


End Function

'改变了 test 表的记录值后,请调用此函数以强制 GetBalance 函数刷新.


Public Sub ResetBalance()


    gcurLastBalance = 0

    glngLastID = 0

End Sub

'这是 lwwvb 版主的函数,我将它改为以 id 作为计算依据了,原理不变.


Public Function f(d As Long) As Currency


  Dim a As Currency

  Dim b As Currency

  a = Nz(DSum("[in]", "test", "id <=" & str(d)))

  b = Nz(DSum("[out]", "test", "id <=" & str(d)))


  f = a - b

End Function


'请使用以下函数产生 600000 条随机记录,以检验函数在记录较多时的效果.


Public Sub 产生随机记录()

    Dim rst As DAO.Recordset

    Dim i As Long



    Debug.Print Now()

    Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("select [in] as dataa,[out] as datab from test")

    For i = 0 To 600000


        rst!dataa = CLng(Rnd() * 100)

        rst!datab = CLng(Rnd() * 100)


    Next i


    Debug.Print Now()

End Sub


Function t2()

Dim c1 As New class1

Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset


Set rs = CurrentProject.Connection.Execute("Select [id], [in], [out], getbalance([id]) AS 余额 FROM test orDER BY [id];")

Debug.Print c1.Elapsed

Set rs = Nothing

Set c1 = Nothing

End Function

Function t3()

Dim c1 As New class1

Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset


Set rs = CurrentProject.Connection.Execute("Select [id], [in], [out], f([id]) AS 余额 FROM test orDER BY [id]")

Debug.Print c1.Elapsed

Set rs = Nothing

Set c1 = Nothing

End Function

Function t1()

Dim c1 As New class1

Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset


Set rs = CurrentProject.Connection.Execute("Select [id], [in], [out], (Select SUM(b.[in]-b.[out]) AS bb FROM test b Where a.[id] <= b.[id]) AS ye FROM test a orDER BY [id]")

Debug.Print c1.Elapsed

Set rs = Nothing

Set c1 = Nothing

End Function


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