使用 access 2000 中的 TableDef 对象 Attributes 属性
时 间:2008-11-20 13:28:13
作 者: ID:43 城市:江阴
摘 要:
正 文:
TableDef 属性
TableDef 对象的 属性 属性指定由 TableDef 对象表示在表的特征。 Attributes 属性作为一个单一 Long Integer 存储并是以下 Long 类型值常量的总和:Constant Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------- dbAttachExclusive For databases that use the Microsoft Jet database engine, indicates the table is a linked table opened for exclusive use. dbAttachSavePWD For databases that use the Jet database engine, indicates the user ID and password for the linked table should be saved with the connection information. dbSystemObject Indicates the table is a system table. dbHiddenObject Indicates the table is a hidden table (for temporary use). dbAttachedTable Indicates the table is a linked table from a non-Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) database, such as Microsoft Access or Paradox. dbAttachedODBC Indicates the table is a linked table from an ODBC database, such as Microsoft SQL Server or orACLE Server.
TableDef Usage --------------------------------- ---------- Object not appended to collection Read/write Base table Read-only Linked table Read-only
sample Code
注意 : 这篇文章中的示例代码使用 Microsoft 数据访问对象。 为使该代码正常运行,您必须引用 Microsoft DAO 3.6 对象库。 为此,在 工具 菜单中的 Visual Basic 编辑器上, 单击 引用 并确保选中了 Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library 复选框。下面的用户定义的示例函数循环遍历一个数据库中所有表并显示一个消息框列出了每个表名和表是否是系统表:
Option Compare Database 'Use database order for string comparisons.
Option Explicit
Function ShowTableAttribs()
Dim DB As DAO.Database
Dim T As DAO.TableDef
Dim TType As String
Dim TName As String
Dim Attrib As String
Dim I As Integer
Set DB = CurrentDB()
For I = 0 To DB.Tabledefs.Count - 1
Set T = DB.Tabledefs(I)
TName = T.Name
Attrib = (T.Attributes And dbSystemObject)
MsgBox TName & IIf(Attrib, ": System Table", ": Not System" & _
Next I
End Function
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