时 间:2008-07-07 09:58:46
作 者:fan0217 ID:8 城市:上海 QQ:2851379730
摘 要:在ACCESS爱好者论坛(http://www.accfans.net)看到fan0217版主提供的一个函数,推荐给大家!
正 文:
Type FileInfo
Name As String '名字
ShortName As String
Type As String '类型
Size As Long
DateCreate As Date
DateLastModified As Date '
DateLastAccessed As Date
Attributes As String
End Type
'-函数名称: GetFileInfo
'-功能描述: 获取文件信息
'-输入参数说明: 参数1: 必选 strFile As String 文件路径和名称
'-返回参数说明: 返回文件名称,类型,大小,更新日期等
'-使用语法示例: Msgbox GetFileInfo("C:\Abc.txt").Size
'-使用注意: 需要引用Microsoft Scripting Runtime
'-兼容性: 2000,XP,2003
'-作者: fan0217@163.com
'-更新日期: 2006-05-20
Function GetFileInfo(strFile As String) As FileInfo
On Error Resume Next
Dim fsoSys As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim fsoFile As File
Dim strstrastr As String
Set fsoFile = fsoSys.GetFile(strFile)
With GetFileInfo
.Name = fsoFile.Name
.ShortName = fsoFile.ShortName
.Type = fsoFile.Type
.Size = fsoFile.Size / 1000
.DateCreate = fsoFile.DateCreated
.DateLastModified = fsoFile.DateLastModified
.DateLastAccessed = fsoFile.DateLastAccessed
If fsoFile.Attributes And Archive Then
strAstr = strAstr & "常规 "
End If
If fsoFile.Attributes And ReadOnly Then
strAstr = strAstr & "只读 "
End If
If fsoFile.Attributes And Hidden Then
strAstr = strAstr & "隐藏 "
End If
If fsoFile.Attributes And System Then
strAstr = strAstr & "系统 "
End If
If fsoFile.Attributes And Compressed Then
strAstr = strAstr & "压缩 "
End If
.Attributes = strAstr
End With
Set fsoSys = Nothing
Set fsoFile = Nothing
End Function
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