时 间:2017-05-07 08:58:28
作 者:MDZZ ID:47512 城市:南京
摘 要:自定义报表纸张大小
正 文:
Option Compare Database Option Explicit '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '数据类型定义 Private Type str_DEVMODE RGB As String * 1172 '(148+1024) End Type Private Type type_DEVMODE strDeviceName(1 To 32) As Byte intSpecVersion As Integer intDriverVersion As Integer intSize As Integer intDriverExtra As Integer lngFields As Long intOrientation As Integer intPaperSize As Integer intPaperLength As Integer intPaperWidth As Integer intScale As Integer intCopies As Integer intDefaultSource As Integer intPrintQuality As Integer intColor As Integer intDuplex As Integer intResolution As Integer intTTOption As Integer intCollate As Integer strFormName(1 To 32) As Byte intLogPixels As Integer lngBitsPerPixel As Long lngPelsWidth As Long lngPelsHeight As Long lngDisplayFlags As Long lngDisplayFrequency As Long lngICMMethod As Long lngICMIntent As Long lngMediaType As Long lngDitherType As Long lngICCManufacturer As Long lngICCModel As Long bytDriverExtra(1 To 1024) As Byte End Type Private Type str_PRTMIP strRGB As String * 28 End Type Private Type type_PRTMIP xLeftMargin As Long yTopMargin As Long xRightMargin As Long yBottomMargin As Long fDataOnly As Long xWidth As Long yHeight As Long fDefaultSize As Long cxColumns As Long yColumnSpacing As Long xRowSpacing As Long rItemLayout As Long fFastPrint As Long fDatasheet As Long End Type Private Const glrcDMOrientation = &H1 Private Const glrcDMPaperSize = &H2 Private Const glrcDMPaperLength = &H4 Private Const glrcDMPaperWidth = &H8 Private Const glrcDMScale = &H10 Private Const glrcDMCopies = &H100 Private Const glrcDMDefaultSource = &H200 Private Const glrcDMPrintQuality = &H400 Private Const glrcDMColor = &H800 Private Const glrcDMDuplex = &H1000 Private Const glrcDMYResolution = &H2000 Private Const glrcDMTTOption = &H4000 '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'SetCustomPaperSize() '为报表设置指定大小的纸张,边距,成功返回255,失败返回0 '参数说明: 'strRptname 必须,报表名,字符串 'PaperWidth 必须,纸张宽度,整数,单位mm 'PaperLength 必须,纸张长度,整数,单位mm 'Orientation 可选,纸张方向,整数,,默认 1 纵向,2为横向 'TopMargin 可选,上边距,整数,单位mm,默认 10mm 'BottomMargin 可选,下边距,整数,单位mm,默认 10mm 'LeftMargin 可选,左边距,整数,单位mm,默认 10mm 'RightMargin 可选,右边距,整数,单位mm,默认 10mm '调用实例:SetCustomPaperSize"报表名",50,50 '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function SetCustomPaperSize(ByVal strRptname As String, PaperWidth As Integer, _ PaperLength As Integer, Optional orientation As Integer = 1, _ Optional TopMargin As Integer = 10, Optional BottomMargin As Integer = 10, _ Optional LeftMargin As Integer = 10, Optional RightMargin As Integer = 10) As Integer On Error GoTo Err_SetConstPaperSize Dim DevString As str_DEVMODE Dim DM As type_DEVMODE Dim strDevModeExtra As String Dim rpt As Report Dim intResponse As Integer Dim PrtMipString As str_PRTMIP Dim PM As type_PRTMIP ' Opens report in Design view. DoCmd.OpenReport strRptname, acDesign Set rpt = Reports(strRptname) If Not IsNull(rpt.PrtDevMode) Then strDevModeExtra = rpt.PrtDevMode ' Gets current DEVMODE structure. DevString.RGB = strDevModeExtra LSet DM = DevString ' Set custom page. DM.intPaperSize = 256 ' Prompt for length and width. unit 1/10mm DM.intPaperLength = PaperLength * 10 DM.intPaperWidth = PaperWidth * 10 ' 纵向 DM.intOrientation = orientation '这一句是关键:通知驱动程序对那些作了修改,要不就会不起作用,帮助中忽略了这一点 DM.lngFields = DM.lngFields or glrcDMPaperSize or glrcDMPaperLength _ or glrcDMPaperWidth or glrcDMOrientation ' Update property. LSet DevString = DM Mid(strDevModeExtra, 1, 94) = DevString.RGB rpt.PrtDevMode = strDevModeExtra End If PrtMipString.strRGB = rpt.PrtMip LSet PM = PrtMipString 'MsgBox PM.yTopMargin / 56.7 & "cm " & PM.yBottomMargin / 56.7 & "cm " _ & PM.xLeftMargin / 56.7 & "cm " & PM.xRightMargin / 56.7 & "cm " PM.xLeftMargin = LeftMargin * 56.7 '边距设置为 10 mm -> TWIPE PM.xRightMargin = RightMargin * 56.7 PM.yTopMargin = TopMargin * 56.7 PM.yBottomMargin = BottomMargin * 56.7 PM.fDefaultSize = False ' Update property. LSet PrtMipString = PM rpt.PrtMip = PrtMipString.strRGB 'DoCmd.OpenReport rptname, acViewPreview '预览 'DoCmd.PrintOut acPages, 1, 1 'DoCmd.OpenReport Rptname, acViewNormal DoCmd.Close acReport, strRptname, acSaveYes SetCustomPaperSize = 255 Exit_SetConstPaperSize: Exit Function Err_SetConstPaperSize: 'MsgBox "错误::" & Err.Number & vbNewLine & Err.Description SetCustomPaperSize = 0 Resume Exit_SetConstPaperSize End Function
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